The academic year is a GO and new challenges await! While it might not be the year you envisioned, we have a few tips to help you make the most of virtual learning. Get ahead on academics with these simple tips:

  1. Set daily goals. Grab a calendar and set dedicated time throughout your day to commit to studying. Map out any major assignments ahead of time and plan out short- and long- term goals to set you up for success.
  2. Communicate. With your professor and your peers. Play an active part in course discussions and ask questions when you have them!  Online learning opens up different realms of communicating and learning with one another; take full advantage.
  3. Get an accountability buddy. It’s always easier when you work alongside a friend. Coordinate remote study sessions, phone calls, or social distanced meet-ups. Set up a shared calendar and work towards common goals!
  4. Deck out your study space. Studies have shown that keeping work and sleep spaces completely separate helps with mental health and productivity. Make sure you (and your brain!) know which is which.
  5. Block out distractions. It’s no secret that you’re often facing more distractions when you’re learning remotely. If you’re finding yourself tempted to scroll through Instagram during class, applications like Freedom, Cold Turkey and SelfControl can help you stay focused.
  6. Be on the offense. To take a page from New Canaan-Darien Magazine, which features Carnegie Prep tutor Jesse Bass, getting ahead on tough courses is the name of the game.

Finally, our experienced tutors are always here to help!  Our tutors can work with you one-on-one or with a small group of your friends to help you hit the ground running this fall.
